Monday 16 September 2013

Programmer types part 2

Last night as I was drifting off, I kept thinking about the post I had made below, which was something I just wanted to put pen to paper about - an observation that didn't feel right just being internal.   Perhaps from the post it wasn't clear why I was making a point about your personality or learning style in the context of teaching programming (something I do quite a lot).  The point of it I guess is that if I'm trying to research whether really young programmers (or really green programmers) can best learn how to program, which is, I believe what I'm trying to do* then one needs to get them programming in the most inclusive way possible, regardless of what type of person they are.  Who you are shouldn't make a difference, your differences will be characterised not in your ability, but in the individuality that you bring to your learning or creations. Inclusive, accessible programming that has a linear learning curve, is powerful and flexible would be brilliant.  I know a lot of schools I've been working with would find the introduction of the new Computing Curriculum less of a struggle if it was.

* I think it's quite normal to not know exactly what you're trying to achieve in a PhD until you've done it!  The conclusions are emergent and all that..

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